Technically speaking, there is no Green “Dragon” Kratom strain. The product does exist, don’t get us wrong, but you won’t find anybody growing or harvesting Dragon Kratom of any kind. If they say they are, they’re trying to finesse you into buying something you don’t want. Green Dragon is actually a proprietary blend designed by the best kratom vendors, much like Red/White Dragon, 8-in-1s, Elephant, and so on.
As is the case with coffee or beer, it takes a special kind of knowledge to mix several blends and get a good result. Green Vein Dragon is one of those rare cases where the outcome is better than the sum of its components.
Since we started the blog, we had the pleasure to test over 20 Kratom vendors, and we keep testing them month by month so we can keep our readers up to date with the best online kratom vendors. If you are looking to buy Kratom, our honest recommendation would be to check out New Dawn Kratom (direct link, we are not affiliated with them in any way, we also have an in-depth review on them here), they managed to deliver the best Kratom in May 2021 (we buy and test multiple vendors monthly and update our reviews and top picks), with 20% OFF using the coupon code you can find on their website, prices starting (after discount) at $16 for 250g of Kratom, it's a no-brainer.
- “Dragon” is a brand, rather than a unique strain of Kratom
- Stimulating in small doses
Starting Price: $
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What Is Green Dragon Kratom?
Maya Distribution LLC were the first to come up with the idea of Dragon Kratom. Soon enough, other retailers followed suit and we now have at least three of them: Green Dragon, White Dragon, and Red Dragon. The color denomination refers to the way that the ground product looks. As a mix of several Green Veins, Green Dragon Kratom will normally have a dark, ripe olive color, which is indicative of its high alkaloid concentration.
Because blends are made entirely by individual vendors, it is essential that you purchase your Green Dragon from a trustworthy source. We’ve had the opportunity to try dozens of sources for Green Vein Dragon and found that The Golden Monk’s product is of the highest caliber.
Green Dragon Kratom Effects and Benefits
Green Dragon Kratom effects are usually experienced faster than with most other strains, likely due to the fact that it brings together several Green Veins. Here are some of the strongest Green Dragon Kratom effects we’ve been able to obtain:
Reliable stimulant. If you need to burn the midnight oil and get some work done, Green Dragon will put you in the right state.
Mood Enhancement. Green Dragon is an excellent way to whisk away your frustration, irritation, and general stress.
Pain Relief. If you have any low-grade pains, such as joint nuisances or lower back flashes, this strain will turn down their volume.
Green Dragon Kratom Dosage
Your Green Dragon Kratom dosage should be attuned to your experience with this plant. If you’ve just bought your first bag, go for an amount that is no more than two grams. More advanced Kratom users take between 3 and 5 grams, whereas some experts need anywhere from 6 to 8 to feel the kick.
As a general rule, less is better with Kratom. Taking too much at a time might trigger unwanted queasiness or other unpleasant responses. If you find that you’ve developed a tolerance to Green Vein Dragon, you might want to switch to a different product.
Consumer Reviews
One way to gauge whether this strain is good for you is to read through some Green Dragon Kratom reviews from people who bought their powder from trustworthy sources:
“This the 3rd Green Vein for me and I wasn’t disappointed. I really wanted something to pick me up and help me go through those days when I’m forced to do overtime. I don’t like staying in the office after hours, but I can always use the cash. 3 to 4 grams usually does the trick for me.”
Eric: June 9, 2019
“I’m not much of a blend person. I’ve tried various Red and Green strains so far and I received a complimentary Green Dragon bag with my last order. Let me tell you, it has an awesome kick to it. I didn’t even need coffee yesterday!”
Melanie: October 2, 2019
Green Dragon Kratom Alternatives
Most people end up trying Green Dragon as a result of becoming tolerant to other strains. Still, if you’ve been using this product for a while, your body might have gotten accustomed to it, which usually means that Green Dragon Kratom effects are less prominent.
Don’t try to go for a higher dose or take several doses in a day. Instead, you might want to try Green Sumatra or Super Green if you’re looking for a reliable stimulant. Meanwhile, Green Horn and Green Bali are better for pain management.
Is Green Dragon Worth Trying?
If you’ve gone through several pure strains, Green Dragon Kratom might just be the best way to move forward. Its stimulating and mood enhancement benefits will easily make your day if you’re feeling down low.
One crucial aspect regarding the effectiveness of your Green Dragon is its provenance. Since the vendor is responsible for putting together the blend, you’ll want to buy only from certified sources, such as The Golden Monk. In our experience, trustworthy vendors often go the extra mile when it comes to providing a premium product. By comparison to other retailers, TGM’s Dragon Kratom is nothing short of excellent.