Kratom Tea: Take a Sip of Your Favorite Strain

Alice Sparkle
Updated On

Whether you’re a casual Kratom consumer or a beginner looking for an easy way to take a dose of your favorite strain, Kratom tea might be exactly what you’re looking for. Although incredibly useful as an alternative to pain and addiction management drugs, Kratom is notorious for having a less than palatable taste. 

Over the years, the Kratom community has come up with a host of innovative answers to this problem – from adding it to smoothies to brewing it and even adding it to homemade sweets and other delicious snack bites. One of the most convenient alternatives to the good old toss and wash, however, remains kratom leaf tea. 

Kratom Tea Benefits 

Since more research is needed to determine the exact impact of Kratom on human health, there’s no way to objectively know which method of consumption is best in the case of this Southeast Asian plant. Despite many speculations, it is yet to be proven whether brewing your powder (or crushed leaves) adds or detracts from the plant’s impact. The only information we have is individual trial and error whose effect will vary greatly from one person to another, not to mention between different methods of preparation.

What we do know for sure is that brewing your mitragyna speciose in the right way renders the earthy taste more neutral. In addition to this, both hot and cold brewing methods ensure that you get to drink enough water with your Kratom. This is a particularly important and often overlooked aspect of Kratom consumption – you can never have enough water with it. Using the right recipe, you can even obtain an enjoyable Kratom leaf tea that will leave you wanting for more and offer some much-needed warm comfort in cold weather.

Other than this, you should theoretically experience an upshot that is very similar to traditional ingestion methods. Some even claim to have enhanced their strain’s effect with brewing, but you might want to take such claims with a pinch of salt.

Kratom Tea Reviews 

I’m extremely happy with my Kratom leaf tea. I use a low-heat, 30-minute boil and strain method that renders a concentrated, dark beverage. I usually add some lemon or grapefruit juice to it, as I’ve heard it helps with alkaloid absorption, as well as with the taste itself. I’ve noticed no difference in the effects whatsoever. Sometimes, it feels like the tea’s impact lasts longer. When all my co-workers were fighting clogged sinuses and harsh colds from the rough winter, I was perfectly fine at my station; relaxed, sipping my homemade Kratom tea.”

Janice B..: 18 August 2019

I’ve always been a picky eater and, although Kratom is a lifesaver for my pain management, I’m having great difficulties coping with its taste. My fiancé figured out a way to cold-brew it with some honey and lemon juice. The powder settles to the bottom after 20 minutes or so and you can decant the Kratom tea concentrate while leaving the powder behind for another two, maybe three rows.

Marshall O.: 22 February 2019
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Kratom Tea Recipe 

Kratom users have brewed the plant using a French press, in a coffee maker, Keurig, or with the help of self-made tea bags. We recommend the latter method, as it’s the least time-consuming one. All you need is a supply of empty tea bags from a local grocery store and you’re good to go:

  • Use 1.5 to 4 grams of Kratom powder per tea bag.
  • Add the boiling water to the cup (not the other way around), then dip the bag in. Let sit covered for at least 15 minutes.
  • Add roughly the same amount of lemon or grapefruit juice.
  • (optional) Add 1 teaspoon of honey, sugar, or your favorite sweetener.
  • Enjoy.

If you want to make Kratom leaf tea, a French press, Aeropress, or tea ball can work just as well. You can be a bit more generous with crushed leaf quantities, since the product is not as concentrated as the powdered one. For cold-brewing methods, you can follow the same steps, bottle the beverage, and then leave it in your fridge for about 12 hours with the Kratom bags (or powder) inside. 

Side Effects 

When taken in moderation, Kratom is overall beneficial for human health. The plant’s immune boosting effect may also act as an antiviral. If you’re working or living in an environment laden with seasonal colds, Kratom leaf tea might actually help keep you strong and healthy.

As with any natural compound, however, there is a chance that you will experience side-effects when drinking too much Kratom tea. It is recommended that beginners take no more than 2-3 grams, while casual consumers can go up to 5. If you’re not using powder for your recipe, you can probably brew another cup (sometimes two, depending on the methods) with the same leaves before experiencing any unwanted feedback.

Stomach discomfort and constipation seem to be the most frequent side-effects of mild Kratom overdose, while very high doses can lead to sensations of agitation, nausea, and worse symptoms. 

An Invigorating Cup of Kratom 

While some users are never bothered by the taste or texture of raw powder, a significant amount of people who rely on Kratom to help out with various health conditions can’t stand its unpleasant, earthy taste. We didn’t particularly mind the latter, but we found it a nice change of pace to switch to brewing for a while.

For the cold season, we enjoy hot brewing methods, while the summer is best spent with a large pitcher of iced Kratom tea. Even if we can’t yet say for sure whether Kratom tea is better (or worse) for alkaloid absorption, the improvement in taste and the fact that we could drink more liquids this way is an added bonus. You’ll have to try it yourself and see if your body is more compatible with tea, rather than with powdered strains. 

Finally, brewing your Kratom will make it more public-friendly. This is especially important for those people who often have to deal with pain flare-ups or anxiety/stress intensification during work hours or extended family holidays. People might think it suspicious that you’re casually taking ten+ pills, but they won’t frown upon a nice cup of tea.