Kratom Strains Chart: Effects, Benefits and Dosage

Charles Veltri
Published On

In order to experience the maximum benefits of kratom, you’ll need an understanding of which veins and strains work best for your purposes.  It’s also important to know which dosage is recommended for each type and which method of ingestion is best for you. Every strain has its own, distinctive features and will serve you in unique ways.

Whether you’re new to kratom or you’re an experienced user, it can feel overwhelming to organize all the information about different strains and their effects. Luckily, we did it for you. Below you’ll find a comprehensive yet simple breakdown of everything you need to know. You’ll be able to compare the benefits and dosage of the most popular Kratom varieties and thus make better choices in your use of this herb.

In our view, safety should always come first when dealing with Kratom. This is why we only recommend online kratom vendors that uphold the highest industry standards, such as The Golden Monk.

Kratom Strains Explained

Aside from the fact that some strains are significantly stronger than others, they can also differ in terms of effects. For instance, while Reds are especially praised for their analgesic and sedative impact, a White strain might be much more suitable for you if you’re looking for an energizer. We’ve explained the most popular Kratom strains below so that you can decide which is best for your needs:

Currently considered to be the most popular type of Kratom, Red Vein Kratom includes strains such as Thai, Borneo, Malaysian, Vietnam, and Indo. The most significant effect experienced with red veins is pain relief and muscle relaxation, but they also provide mood enhancement, and some varieties can even serve as stress and anxiety reducers.

Because red veins deliver pain relief and relaxation for the body and mind, this type is often taken in the evening. Effects last for about 5 hours. These strains have a mild to moderate effect, which makes them a great starting point and benchmark for beginners.

Red veins are one of the most abounding harvests. This is due in part to the large demand for red strains, but can also be attributed to the fact that the leaf used to process such grows as easily in controlled environments as it does in the wild. Red vein harvests have been collected from trees standing in over 3 feet of water, as well as from trees in dry and desert-like conditions.

  • Pain relief
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Feelings of well-being and happiness
2-12 grams (½ tsp - 3 tsp)

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Green veins are most often used for a physical boost of energy, endurance, concentration, and focus. In addition, they improve general cognitive and executive function, memory, creativity, and motivation. Depending on the strain, Greens may be used to deliver mood enhancement and a general feeling of well-being.

Green strain effects can last between 5 and 8 hours. One of the most common reasons for choosing a green vein is because of its moderate effects. Green veins will deliver a mellow, less intense effect that will typically last for longer throughout the day.

Green strains are particularly different from one another, which creates an exciting variety for both beginners and Kratom connoisseurs. Because green vein delivers a mild energy boost, it’s often used as a supplement to other strains to counteract the usual drowsy effects often felt as the benefits begin to wear off.

  • Boost of energy
  • Moderate pain relief
2-12 grams (½ tsp - 3 tsp)

Starting Price: $

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White vein is best known for its mood enhancement effects. This type of Kratom stimulates the mind and body and delivers an overall sense of happiness and euphoria. In fact, of all the veins, this is the one with the most potent euphoric effects. The exact effects will vary from strain to strain. Even within the same strain there can be variance, depending on the climate, region, age of the tree, and other growing, harvesting, and curing factors.

White vein is often taken in the morning and in place of coffee, as it makes for a stimulating, happy, and calm start to one’s day. For the same reasons, this variety is usually not taken later in the day or in the evening as it may contribute to a restless sleep.

  • Significant feelings of well-being and happiness
  • Euphoria
  • Muscle relaxation
2-12 grams (½ tsp - 3 tsp)

Starting Price: $

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Yellow vein is relatively new to the market, so there are still various schools of thought about the origin of this variety. It’s thought that perhaps the yellow vein develops its characteristics because the harvest is picked later in the season, or because the age of the tree is much greater. Yellow veins are reported to have longer lasting effects, though they tend to be milder than other strains.

The benefits and effects of yellow vein varieties are often compared to those of green veins, in that they deliver a physical boost of energy, mental concentration, and a general sense of well-being. Yellow varieties are most often taken in the morning so their effects can be enjoyed long throughout the day.
The effects are longer lasting than with other varieties, which makes them a poor choice for the evening. Because of this strain’s mild effects, it can be a great starter for beginners and can help the latter become accustomed to the effects of Kratom before moving to a white or a red vein.

  • Boost of energy
  • Moderate pain relief
  • Increased focus and concentration
2-12 grams (½ tsp - 3 tsp)

Starting Price: $

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Maeng Da Kratom is one of the most potent strains and therefore not necessarily one of the best for beginners to start with. The strength of this strain is the result of the unique selective pollination of a few, very powerful Kratom trees. It’s believed to be the final product of the work of generations of kratom farmers from Southeast Asia who attempted to create a more powerful strain than the ones that already existed.

As part of its powerful effects, Maeng Da delivers a strong charge of mental focus and concentration, so it’s often taken as part of a morning routine. This way, consumers can benefit from the results throughout the working day.

If a laborious or physically exhausting challenge is about to be undertaken, this is often the strain used beforehand. Because of its potency, this strain can cause individuals to build a tolerance to its effects more quickly than other strains.

  • Boost of energy
  • Moderate pain relief
  • Feelings of well-being
2-12 grams (½ tsp - 3 tsp)

Starting Price: $

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Bali is generally a good start for beginners because it has the lowest cost of all Kratom varieties. As such, even if you find that it’s not the right solution for you, at least you know that the experiment didn’t cost you a great deal. In addition to the low price, Bali is packed with a mix of effects that are found in other strains.

You’ll find that Bali is used as a stimulant, a mood enhancer, and pain reducer, but also as a supplement to increase focus and concentration. Bali can also be used as an appetite suppressant and in this way can act as a supplement to a weight loss program.

  • Significant feelings of well-being and happiness
  • Euphoria
  • Boost of energy
2-12 grams (½ tsp - 3 tsp)

Starting Price: $

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BGold Bali is one of the most popular red vein strains sold by vendors today. In many respects, Gold Bali delivers the same benefits and effects as other red strains, particularly when it comes to the reduction of pain and increased muscle relaxation.

Gold Bali also provides users with a calm and peaceful feeling of happiness, while lessening any anxious thoughts and feelings. The potency of this strain means that users should start with a smaller dosage than with other, typical strains. Bali Kratom also has longer lasting effects, so it’s best to take this variety in the morning.

  • Powerful pain relief and muscle relaxation
  • Boost of energy
  • Feelings of well-being
  • Increased focus and concentration
  • Low dosage is recommended
2-12 grams (½ tsp - 3 tsp)

Starting Price: $

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Indo is another red vein strain that is very popular among individuals who suffer from chronic pain. This strain is potent and keeps pain away for upwards of 8 hours, which is nearly double the duration of many of the typical red strains. However, this strain does contain a lower percentage of the mitragynine alkaloid found in other varieties.

Indo also possesses a wonderful kick of energy with its sedative qualities and this makes it a popular option for students and workers with a hefty load of mental and physical tasks to accomplish through the day. This increases focus and concentration, but also delivers a boost of endurance and energy to the system.

  • Significant feelings of well-being and happiness
  • Euphoria
  • Muscle relaxation
2-12 grams (½ tsp - 3 tsp)

Starting Price: $

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Borneo is actually the largest exporter of kratom around the globe and it has a perfect environment for growing high-quality strains. Unlike the lower quantity of alkaloids in Indo, Borneo strains have a very high level of 7-hydroxymitragynine, which makes this strain the most potent of the sedative options.

Borneo Kratom has been compared to prescription sedatives like benzodiazepines and is often a more powerful option. For this reason, it’s important to be cautious with your dosage and start small. These strains also work well for combatting depressive emotions, anxiety, and stress. However, if you’re looking for something milder to combat these issues, it’s recommended to use green vein strains, which tend to have less potent, but longer lasting effects.

  • Pain relief
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Boost of energy
  • Better sleep
2-12 grams (½ tsp - 3 tsp)

Starting Price: $

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Thai Kratom comes in a variety of strains and all of them pack a serious punch. The high concentrations of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine in this vein makes it one of the most potent in delivering energy, focus, concentration, and feelings of clarity and well-being.

Thai strains are often used to ameliorate depression and anxiety. This is also the strain that has been used by Thai laborers for generations in order to get through the grueling physical labors of a long day. Today, this strain is still used in the same way, as well as by those people who must perform mentally taxing tasks on a consistent basis.

  • Pain relief
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Boost of energy
  • Increased focus and concentration
  • Anxiety relief
  • Better sleep
  • Longer lasting effects
2-12 grams (½ tsp - 3 tsp)

Starting Price: $

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Malay or Malaysian Kratom is cultivated in a tropical environment conducive to the health and growth of trees. Malay can work in a number of ways depending on the dosage. If a boost of physical energy is what you’re after, a low dosage of 3-6 grams will do.

Go a little higher and you’ll get the benefit of increased focus and concentration, particularly for any heavy thinking you need to do. The higher your dosage from there, the greater the effects of sedation that you’ll experience.
This will include a greater feeling of muscle relaxation and tension relief, but also a form of mental calmness that will reduce stress and anxiety and cultivate a happy and even slightly euphoric effect.

  • Boost of energy
  • Pain relief
  • Increased focus and concentration
2-12 grams (½ tsp - 3 tsp)

Starting Price: $

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Strains of Vietnam are popular because they deliver the widest range of effects; you get a little bit of everything. These strains often grow along the Mekong River and that gives the trees a powerful dose of minerals from the soil.
Benefits include pain relief, muscle relaxation, feelings of well-being, reduction of stress and anxiety, an energy boost, a stimulant for focus and concentration; it’s something of a magic option. If you’re looking for one particular effect over another, you can choose from a variety of Vietnam veins.

A Vietnam red is best for physical pain, while a Vietnam green is recommended for energy, focus and concentration. A Vietnam white will deliver the strongest feelings of mental and emotional euphoria.

  • Pain relief
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Boost of energy
  • Feelings of well-being and happiness
2-12 grams (½ tsp - 3 tsp)

Starting Price: $

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How to Use Kratom


It’s important to note that the FDA does not regulate the manufacturing or sale of Kratom supplements and has not approved it as a medical substance as of yet due to the fact that there’s still much research to be done. That being said, many people use Kratom as an alternative to prescription pain medications, a supplement for mood enhancement, or a physical energy boost on a regular basis.

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Kratom can be used in several ways.  Leaves can be dried and used to make tea or they can even be chewed on fresh. The most popular method is to use ground powder, which can be made into easy to swallow capsules or even ingested directly on a spoon and followed with water or another beverage (often called the ‘toss and wash’ method).

The dosage indicated on the chart is a generally recommended measurement.  It should be noted that the correct dosage will vary greatly depending on a number of other factors including the exact strain, batch, purpose, tolerance, and desired effects. The best dosage will also take into consideration one’s physical health and whether Kratom is being used in combination with other substances such as medications, depressants, or stimulants.


If you’re about to try Kratom for the first time, consider starting with a red vein variety such Bali, or, for mild and long-lasting effects, a yellow vein. This will give you benefits that include pain relief, decreased stress, anxiety, and muscle tension, an energy boost, and mood enhancement.

With this information at hand, you now have an understanding of the major veins and strain varieties and you are able to compare the benefits and effects of each. When you’re ready to give it a shot, we suggest visiting for a well-regulated site and a product you can trust.  It’s important to use only trusted vendors in order to avoid low quality and imposter products that may result in serious side effects. Be safe and be happy.